Welcome to the Unitarian Universalist Church in Meriden

Unitarian Universalism is a religious tradition that places more importance on your values than your beliefs, that welcomes you and your questions and affirms your search for truth and meaning.

The Unitarian Universalist Church in Meriden values freedom, responsibility, acceptance of others without judgment, world community, and respect for the entire interconnected web of existence. UUCM is a church without dogma and has members with a variety of backgrounds and religious perspectives. UUCM has ministries for all ages that educate, encourage, advocate for a better world, and build relationships in a warm, caring community.

First time visiting?

Here are some answers to common questions.

On Sunday mornings, we gather in the sanctuary for our regular services. There will be music and a chance to sing for those who wish; a sermon by our minister, a member of our Worship Associates team, or a guest speaker, as well as periods of silent reflection and a reading or two.

After services, we offer an opportunity to socialize during our Coffee Hour.  Our Welcome area inside the main entrance stocks brochures about many aspects of Unitarian Universalism. Greeters are also happy to answer your questions and help you get acquainted. Feel free to ask for a tour of our building.

For our Sunday morning services, wear what is comfortable for you. Some people wear nice casual clothes. Some are happier wearing jeans or shorts. We want you to be free to pay attention to the message of the morning and the people around you without worrying about your clothes. 

The main floor of our building is fully accessible to those in wheelchairs or with mobility issues.  Just follow the pathway to our main entrance.  Greeters are available to assist anyone who wishes.  There is a handicapped bathroom as well.  The downstairs section of our building hosting our partners at Meriden Pride is also accessible via its own pathway and separate entrance.

Service starts promptly at 10:30 on Sunday mornings. When you enter the building through the main entrance, a greeter will welcome you and help you find a seat.  

What We Believe

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Our Covenant
We, the members of the Unitarian Universalist Church in Meriden, covenant to:
  • Cherish the well-being of the congregational community above our personal preferences.
  • Joyfully welcome, support and integrate newcomers into our community.
  • Embrace our diversity as a source of communal strength and acknowledge and care for others across our differences.
  • Honor and hold ourselves accountale by respecting commitments to individuals and the whole.
  • Presume the best intentions of others and maintain a sense of humor.
  • Strive to create a safe place for expression by accepting responsibility for our own actions, speaking our truth honestly with care and compassion, and listening with open hearts and minds.
  • Recognize conflict as an opportunity for growth and creativity so that truth and sound decisions can emerge from an open exchange.
  • We will approach disagreements by remaining engaged in the process with love, compassion and respect, and by listening deeply to others, addressing differences directly while encouraging all voices to be heard.