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As we approach March, UUCM leaders begin the important work of planning next year’s budget. This is the time we ask all members and friends of our congregation to reflect on the future and to make a generous commitment to sustaining and growing our beloved spiritual community in the coming fiscal year.

We call this our Annual Stewardship Campaign—also known as the Pledge Drive—because UUCM is a self-sustaining congregation. This means that it is up to all of us to be responsible stewards, ensuring that our community remains strong, welcoming, and financially healthy.

Stewardship, however, is about more than just financial giving. It is also about sharing our time, energy, and talents to support the life and work of UUCM. Whether it’s through volunteering, participating in worship and programming, serving on committees, or lending a hand at events, every act of generosity strengthens our community.

To make your pledge online, go to our pledge form.