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Trans Inclusion in the Congregation uses web-based resources for reflection and learning.  All of our members and friends will be given a login code and asked to create an account and register for the course on the Transforming Hearts Collective’s website. This will give everyone individual access to the resources for the course. The resources include links to websites, blogs, and downloadable documents to read as well as videos to watch.

This program has six sessions.  Six Sunday morning services between October and June will focus on the themes presented in each session.  There will be a discussion group available after each of these services as well an online Zoom discussion group with Rev. Tony. The Zoom discussions will be open to participants from both the UU Congregation of Danbury and the UU Church in Meriden as both congregations are doing the program this year, and Rev. Tony is the minister at both of them.

The Sunday morning services related to the course sessions will have as their sermon topic something related to that particular session.  Stories and Times for All Ages will reflect that same topic and occasionally there will be an activity or conversation as part of the service.  Some of these Sundays will be led by Rev. Tony and some by guest speakers.  This does not mean each of these Sundays will be all about Transgender issues. For example, the first session, and thus the first Sunday service, will be about what it means to be welcoming and offer radical hospitality, which is something that applies to more than just transgender issues.

The congregation invites all committees, teams, and groups to consider making time at meetings and gatherings to discuss the sessions or the course in general. Rev. Tony can provide you with guidance for discussion and consult on what resources from the course might be useful for such discussions.

When we complete this program in the spring, the congregation will be asked to re-affirm its Welcoming Congregation status and notify the Unitarian Universalist Association that we’ve completed this continuing education and of our Welcoming status.

Accessing the Course

Each individual who would like to participate in the Trans Inclusion in Congregations course, should register by following these steps:

  • Go to the course page.
  • Scroll to the bottom and select the $400 option.
  • Click "Enroll."
  • On the next page, click the red text "Add Coupon."
  • In the box that appears, enter UUMERIDEN and click "Apply." The cost will be adjusted to FREE.
  • Continue with enrollment.