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The UUA Theme for the month of March is TRUST.  Check out these resources to deepen your understanding of this theme. 


Chalice Lighting: We trust this light to bring us out of darkness, remind us we are not alone, and the values it represents are worth fighting for. 

Meditation:  Hope is not as fragile as it sometimes seems. Division is not as deep as it sometimes appears. May I remember and trust  that darkness can’t ever shut out the light, that kindness is more powerful than we know, that humility and accountability allow us to change,  that together we can most certainly bend the arc of this miraculous universe toward beauty, justice, and love. - Scott Taylor

Daily Reading: Because we live with mystery, we trust that which is deeper than we know—which touches our hearts—which steadies us and rekindles our spirits—which, finally, in faith, may be named the love that has laid hold upon us, and will not let us go…  - George Kimmich Beach

Chalice Extinguishing: May we remember that trust, like love, grows in small moments: In promises kept and confidences held, In boundaries respected and amends made, In showing up again and again. May we be brave enough to risk trust, Patient enough to build it slowly, And gentle with ourselves and others when it breaks. Amen.  - Angeline C. Jackson


  1. Has trusting people gotten easier or harder as you’ve grown older?
  2. Have you ever been made to feel trustworthy by someone who risked putting their trust in you?
  3. Right now, what and who is easiest for you to trust and who and what is most difficult to trust?
  4. What would happen if you trusted the universe enough to let go for dear life instead of hanging on for dear life?