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The UUA's Side with Love Campaign is organizing actions and support for UU activists engaged in working for our values and opposing the authoritarian and totalitarian initiatives of the Trump administration. Here's how to keep up with what they are doing.

The UUA's Side with Love Campaign hosts a weekly online gathering called The Gathering for UU's engaged in justice work.  The Gathering is a new monthly virtual event from Side With Love, designed to offer:

  • Spiritual Grounding – Strengthen your heart and spirit for the work ahead.
  • Political Analysis – Understand the threats to democracy and justice.
  • Collective Action – Organize with others to block anti-democratic forces and build a just and loving world.

Sign up for The Gathering gatherings and other Side with Love events.

Side with Love is publishing weekly action updates to help understand how to participate in the fight against authoritarianism and for love.  Check out the latest action update from the Side with Love Campaign.  You can get all the updates here.

Download a PDF  of the UUA's booklet on taking responsible action: "Grounded, Resilient  & Responsible: Responding and Organizing in Authoritarian Times" using the link below.