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Our finances for the 2024-2025 fiscal year are in good shape, and we are operating in the black. Pledges and Collection Plate income are on target, providing a solid foundation for our budget.

The Holiday Fair raised $3,700 so far, with additional funds still expected. Combined with other income, we have reached approximately $5,400 toward our annual fundraising goal of $18,000.

Expenses and Budget Updates

On the expense side, we are staying roughly on budget, excluding special property projects. Here's a quick summary:

  • Increased Costs: We invested in improving our software and programs to enhance and simplify communications and database management.
  • Reduced Costs: Payroll expenses were slightly lower due to reduced hours for our janitor.

Excitingly, we are on track to pay off our mortgage by July 2025!

Reserve Funds and Property Projects

We have some reserves from last year’s surplus, which will likely be used for critical building repairs, including:

  • The recently completed drainage project
  • Addressing mold in the basement
  • Fixing the lower chimney
  • Rebuilding the porch
  • Replacing the remaining roof

To make the most of our reserves, we’ve moved some funds to a higher-interest account and are exploring other options to maximize earnings.


A special thank you to Tim O’Brien for stepping up to assist with additional Treasurer responsibilities. And heartfelt thanks to all of you for your continued generosity and support of our church!

Your contributions make all of this possible.